
Ultimate Skid Plate for KTM 390 ADV

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Ultimate Skid Plate for KTM 390 ADV


BDCW ULTIMATE Skid Plates continue to be the top choice for expert riders, proving its worth in the most rigorous conditions and terrain worldwide. Think you don’t need this much protection? Think again. It’s while learning to master big bike skills, both on pavement and off-road, that carnage happens. Rocks get kicked up, bikes get dropped and hung up, curbs get in the way, and scrapes and spills are just part of the adventure. And the ULTIMATE Skid Plate is designed to take all of the abuse—and more.

                                        DESIGN NOTES                                        

Black Dog Cycle Works has once again designed an Ultimate Skid Plate for the new KTM 390 Adventure. We recognize any product is a compromise - manufacturers have to balance key features, materials selection, ease of installation, ease of removal for maintenance, development costs, production costs, related shipping costs to the consumer as well as where the product is made. Based on our 13 years of development experience, we feel we have struck an ideal balance with our new Ultimate Skid Plate for the KTM 390 Adventure/R

The development of a product that would meet our "Ultimate Skid Plate" criteria for the KTM 390 ADV has probably been one of our most challenging to date. The design of the lower end of the motorcycle just doesn't lent itself to a rugged solution - something that will hold up to the abuse we know our customers will put this new model through. The stock "skid plate" is beyond embarrassing. Not only does it use a cheesy weak bracket to mount to the motor, it also leaves the header pipe COMPLETELY exposed. I highly doubt the stock unit could take a hit from a flying piece of gravel without disintegrating...We like to remind our customers that a skid plate is only as strong as its mounting points. Without a strong foundation, a skid plate may provide great coverage and look "rugged" but won't take a hit without crumbling. One less thing to worry about with our bomber design.

We took a very unique approach by connecting to the FRAME of the motorcycle which believe me was NO SMALL TASK. We do not connect to the motor at all and the first thing we did during our design process is toss out the stock mount. I can promise you anything attaching to the stock mounting bracket is only for cosmetic purposes.

Our front and rear mounting brackets are all made of steel so the durability and strength couldn't be higher. We also incorporated a rubber shok blok that braces the skid plate against the engine to help disperse the energy from any big hits from the mounting points.  Combined with excellent coverage from our 3/16" aluminum skid plate, the BDCW Ultimate Skid Plate for the KTM 390 ADV is the absolutely most rugged design you will find. Period.

Another key aspect we focused on was to maximize ground clearance while still providing a "crush zone" between the skid plate and key components such as the header pipe. The 3/16" (4.76mm) 5052 Aluminum we use in our skid plate will give a bit on impact, lessening the force transmitted to the mounting points as well as being less likely to crack, unlike the harder materials used by some of our competitors.

Please see our "Nuts, Bolts and Benefits" below for more details


This skid plate fits the following models:

  • KTM 390 Adventure (2020-2021)
  • KTM 390 Adventure (2022-current) - required OEM crash bars


  • REQUIRES the stock KTM crash bars
  • Works with Coober decat header
  • Not compatible with SRC Moto crash bars

                           NUTS, BOLTS & BENEFITS                           

Comprehensive Engine Coverage
"Sized Right" to cover keep major components safe such as the engine block, header pipes and catalytic converter.

Does NOT attach into the engine case!
Completely removes the mounting points from the engine case, which is what we are trying to protect (by the way)

Flush Mount Hardware
We never use hardware that protrudes from the skid plate in highly probably impact areas (like the bottom!!). The flush mount hardware we use is MUCH less prone to catch on obstacles or get damaged. 

Optimized Ground Clearance and Coverage
Sleek, low profile design optimizes the balance between maintaining crush zones, providing excellent ground clearance and reducing the overall profile to minimize impacts

6 bolts to remove for Maintenance
EASY! We like easy! We work on our own bikes, so why would be make this difficult?

The RIGHT Material = More Protection—3/16-inch (4.76mm) of 5052 Aluminum 
You get what you pay for. And we found the optimal material to protect, perform, and last. In fact, it could outlive your bike. The grade of aluminum we selected is designed to ABSORB impacts, not transfer the force to the mounting points on the bike.

Smooth Bottom for Clearing Obstacles
No holes to snag on rocks or branches.  This plate glides on its own˜right up over most obstacles without bolts, rubber sliders or rivets to catch or break.

No Centerstand Needed
Our Ultimate Skid Plate is designed to accommodate the EnduroStar Trail Stand. Save weight, money and ground clearance by not having a centerstand on your bike.

Flat Bottom is maintenance friendly
Need to lift your bike for maintenance chores and changing tires, no problem. Our design can take it. 

Powder AND Clear Coated
Looks great and takes the punishment that anodized finishes can’t.

Looks Badass on Every Bike
Not that it matters when it’s covered in mud.

Cheap Insurance
Considering the costs of expensive repairs or “extractions” from the backcountry, it’s a bargain!

Made in the U.S.
No bones about it, we manufacture all of our Black Dog products right here in the U.S. It is extremely important to us. We have world class manufacturers in our own back yard and we intend to use them. Purchasing this product is a opportunity to support a small family business and support American Workers and the U.S. economy, not some random large corporation based overseas. Besides, the Black Dog needs to eat too!

Tested and Trusted Worldwide
All of our own products are rigorously tested on our personal bikes BEFORE they’re released. Our innovative and rugged designs are used throughout the world—a fact that we’re very proud of. We make no pretense that we’re the cheapest, but, you can be sure that BDCW products are the best made, and that we stand behind them.



Hey Kurt,
As for the skid plate, I got out a few weeks ago and did some more serious riding on the 390 ADV in California desert offroad conditions.  My bike was fully loaded with camping gear so it was weighed down.  The jeep trails were rocky,sometimes really steep with a few steps and then lots of deep sand.  The skid plate has a few good divets in it now but it performed perfectly.  There were a lot of lurkers in the sand that got kicked up into the skid plate making it ring out.  I am very pleased with your design.  The protection is great and I had full confidence I could tackle whatever I wanted knowing the engine was protected.  I probably pushed the bike a bit too much fully loaded.  I want to get some more offroad riding in and get it filmed and then talk about my bike setup and its capabilities.  I will plug the skid plate for sure.  It is the only one I think should be installed on these bikes. 

Cheers Matt B, New Mexico



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2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Good Product, even better Commitment to Quality

    Posted by Matt Herrington on Jan 31st 2022

    Bought a 390Adv right when they came out. All the skid plates immediately available were engine mounted so I pre-ordered the BDCW plate and was among the first to get one. Super tough, smart frame mount design, but it buzzed and rang like a bell at 4200 RPMs. BDCW heard us early customers, solved the problem via reengineering the mounts, and sent them to me free. No shipping charge, no "buy these new mounts", no BS. THAT for me is a company committed to putting quality (and nothing but) onto the market. Customer for life.

  • 5
    Skid Plate for KTM 390 ADV

    Posted by Jason Stevens on Dec 21st 2020

    This is an incredibly well built product. The instructions were clean, concise and step-by-step, complete with color photographs of each step. Packaging was top-notch. The owner was kind enough to call before shipment and forewarn me of the install process - that it was a little more difficult than average and that it required removing the exhaust. It took my son and I about two hours, and there were a couple bolts that were hard to get to, but having installed it I can fully appreciate why it was built the way it was built. KTM did a poor job of allowing the install of aftermarket skid plates on this bike. In spite of it, Black Dog did a world class job of designing a plate that does not bolt directly to the motor.